Tag: Readings

Subtle signal-delivery behavior on OS X (and some other BSD systems)

An online article discussed a subtle behavior on OS X, NetBSD, and OpenBSD delivering the SIGPROF signal to multithreaded programs: http://research.swtch.com/macpprof. In a nutshell, the current implementations in…

Recommendation: Probabilistic Programming & Bayesian Methods for Hackers

A really nice “open-source” book on the Bayesian method, in an easy-read form. I wish I could have read it when I was an undergrad 😛 See here:…

Expanding your knowledge of sciences with fun

Every young kid has a dream of future. When I was a kid, I once hoped to become a scientist, which was not a computer scientist like what…

A good read on the cost of app development

It’s an interesting article (link attached below). In a nutshell: never look down on app development! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209170/how-much-does-it-cost-to-develop-an-iphone-application